Zimbabwe Opposition Takes Army , Police To Court

June 9, 2020
| Report Focus News

Harare- Workers aligned to Zimbabwe opposition MDC Alliance have taken Zimbabwe Defence Forces commander Philip Valerio Sibanda and Police Commissioner-General Godwin Matanga to court after their subordinates aided a rival faction in seizing control of party headquarters.

In an application the MDC Alliance employees allege that soldiers and police assisted members of a rival faction to forcibly and violently take over the Morgan Richard Tsvangirai (MRT) formerly Harvest House on Thursday night.

“This application is for a spoliation order, being an interdict against the respondents and anyone working under their instruction from forcibly and unlawfully deposing applicants of their peaceful and undisturbed use and employment of MRT House, 44 Nelson Mandela Avenue,” read the application

Sibanda who is cited as second respondent, stands accused of having deployed armed soldiers who assisted and aided MDC-T members.

In a sworn affidavit MDC Alliance chief security officer Washington Gaga said police and soldiers together with the MDC-T youth forcefully gained entry into MRT House.

“On June 4 at about 8:30pm, I was advised in my capacity as chief security officer, about the violent and unlawful takeover occupation of the MRT House. The report that I received, whose details I have confirmed to be true, was to the effect that those acting on behalf of Matanga and Sibanda, together with the other 18 working in cahoots in the acts of violence, forcefully and violently gained entry into the building and they have refused to vacate therefrom,” said Gaga “The illegitimate occupation was ostensibly based on the invaders’ belief that they had been authorised at the Supreme Court to occupy the building, but to this day, I have not seen the court order authorising them to deny me and my co-applicants, as well as all other regular inhabitants from continued use of the premises,”

He said that since the police and soldiers were part of the violent and illegal takeover of the building, he had no other remedy except approaching the courts.